Many companies need the material for further processing, whether for a specific project or even resale. FundiBRONZE produces plates and billets using the die casting process. The parts are supplied pre-machined in the size, shape and material that the customer requires.
Max. 200 X 500 X 1500 MM
Address: Rua do Horto, 511 – Dist. Industrial
CEP 35681-779 – Itaúna/MG
+55 (37) 3242-9170
[email protected]
Address: Rua do Horto, 511 – Dist. Industrial
CEP 35681-779 – Itaúna/MG
+55 (37) 3242-9170
[email protected]
Rio Grande do Sul
Santa Catarina
São Paulo
Minas Gerais
Rio Grande do Sul
Santa Catarina
Eriberto Serafim – (47) 99961-9164
São Paulo
Carlos Nascimento – (11) 95897-0364
Minas Gerais
Fabiano Nascimento – (81) 99116-9594